2008-02-11 01:01:14sHiu

°ܤ Kuang ღ〃

           Baby﹐ you are always in my mind
           I don’t want share our love to anyone
           Sorry I do something wrong before
           But my love﹐ I never forget you
           I hope you happiness
           I don’ want miss you﹐ Baby
           I am not a reliable boy
           But I will do my best to safeguard you.
           Baby﹐ I love you.           

上一篇:°ܤ 死筆 ღ〃

下一篇:°ܤ 譯 ღ〃

2008-02-17 17:14:16

我還常被他拉去看她= =

2008-02-17 16:00:38

聽說 光在我家巷口的7-11打工?

哈哈哈哈 每次去 每次遇

不過他忘記我是誰了 (( 笑

翔 ﹐ 2008-02-15 23:26:51

還說妳英文濫= =