2008-05-07 22:35:39smile♥威威

Fly away

When will you be home?" she asks
as we watch the planes take off
"你甚麼時候會回家?" 當我們看著飛機起飛時, 她這麼問著

We both know we have no clear answer to where my dreams may lead
其實我倆都知道, 我們對於我的夢想何時會實現是沒有正確的答案的

She’s watched me as i crawled and stumbled
As a child, she was my world
當我還是小孩子在學爬或蹣跚學走的時候, 她一路守候著我, 彷彿她就是我整個的世界

And now to let me go, I know she bleeds
and yet she says to me
而現在她要放手讓我走, 我知道她的心在淌著血, 但是, 她卻對我說:

You can fly so high

Keep your gaze upon the sky

I’ll be prayin every step along the way

Even though it breaks my heart to know we’ll be so far apart

I love you too much to make you stay

Baby fly away
寶貝! 飛吧"

Autumn leaves fell into spring time and
SIlver-painted hair
Daddy called one evening saying
秋葉紛飛趕走了春天。 有一天晚上, 滿頭銀髮的爸爸打電話來, 說:

"We need you. Please come back"
"我們需要你, 請你回來吧!"

When I saw her laying in her bed
Fragile as a child

Pale just like an angel taking flight

I held her as I cried
我不禁悲從中來, 抱著她痛哭失聲