2009-09-17 10:10:23CHLin

Puppy Love

This is him---Alex---the one in the middle!

He is the guy who told Jamie that he likes her.

AND Jamie likes him very much, too!

Recently, they’ve talked about getting married
and called each other "my dear wife" and "my dear husband".

What’s more, I was kind of shocked when Jamie told me that
she was KISSED by Alex in the classroom the other day.

(Wow! OK, calm down! Take a deep breath!)

I then asked her if they kissed on the lips.

The answer was NO!

The kiss was placed on her cheek. (What a relief!)

I continued to shoot another question, saying, "Did the teacher or anybody see what you two were doing?"

I got another "NO".

When I asked about more details, she said that Alex accidentally
touched her cheek when they were playing with toys, for they just sat next to each otehr very closely.

So, it was NOT a kiss. But she might have seen it as one.

How come I suddenly felt that I’m aging faster than I thought?

How I wished that I had videotaped her expressions and the way she shared her feelings with me!

