2005-06-22 08:34:01Em

that was sad

what was sad?
the relationships which couldn't be trusted.
friends, families, and lovers.
if we could broke those relationships so easily,
then those love you once gave each other are too fake,
too bogus.

Jinnah once said, "Emily! You are way too nice! If i'm you, i would just tell them to fuck off and ignore them for ever."
"Oh well, those are not important for me anymore. I'm leaving here, it's only few days left of school, I'll just let it be as what it was." I answered with smile on my face.

If i could let go so easily, why wouldn't I?
Those had never been my problems. It wont be one of my problem neither.
Doesn't mean i don't care the friendship at all,
it's just because how the way you guy have in the friendships totally suprised me.
Yeah~ at first it was saprising,
but at the end i'm totally get tired of this long story.
I didn't wanna be involved of those stupid fight and the way you were talking about friends.
It was just like wathching a ironic show.
Felt like reading a fake ferry tale.

Too hilarious,
too sad.

God bless you guys.