2004-12-20 13:59:30Em
i feel weird and comfuse
yup... i feel pretty weird and comfuse right now...
i don't feel any exciting to go back to taiwan~ don't know why... because the air plane i think...
i get sick and tired of AIRPLANE gosh...
ofcourse i LOVE to see everyone in taiwan but i just feel SO dislike to go to the airport...
i hope i can just sleep through the time and when i wake up is already there!!
yeah~ i'll try this time!!
and i feel sooo bad that i don't want to leave Hauwei and Mami Chang here!!!! then now mom well be al alone during christmas!!!!!
gosh dale "better" be home!!!! he just all DISAPEAR when he got a GIRLfriend!!!! jeez like never came back home!!!!
and god i have no idea why dady chang is in TAIWAN!!! he suppose to be IN here!!! he should come back sometime~
well anywayz... i just feel kind of weird right now... i don;t know why but now i feel federalway is REALLY MY HOME!!!!
like i don't wanna leave here
i truely wanna go back to see my family and Lyd and Am !!!!
but now... just shooooooooo lazy!!!!
i think i should take a break and do something maybe i'll feel better really soon after~