2004-09-26 16:46:08花謙修


Everyday in the morning when I wake up
I think about you
And I know it's true that
you are the only one in my mind......
I am walking down to the corner to the coffee shop for breakfast.....
'Cause you
even coffee can be sweet....

It seems that I will never satisfied
My heart strongly tell me that you are belong to me
Eventhough I am not the guy in your mind
I still try my best to let you know that my love for you is unlimited...

You alwalys take advantage of me.....
But I never complain about it
My belief tells me that
you will fall in love with me one day
though it may be ten years in the future.....
I can wait,I can wait.....
I know taht I am exist for you...

But I left too much mess and destruction....
that I don't know how to win your mind
I am loney without you
What is the sense in that
I don't know

Well I will go down with the ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be