2016-09-04 15:48:32老貓
[Challenge。相編] 老爸/DAD (步驟分享)
[相編。12"x12" Layout]
➡在照片上點一下,會連結到這張照片的相本,按一下右上角的〝放大鏡〞圖示,就可以原尺寸觀看照片喔。(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in original size.)
〝放大鏡〞圖示 (the zoom button)
〝放大鏡〞圖示 (the zoom button)
The person in the photo is my dad. I remember that when I was a child, I broke my left leg in a motocycle accident so I had my leg in a plastic cast for a while. During that period, my father always carried me on his sholders. This is such a precious memory between my dad and I.
The person in the photo is my dad. I remember that when I was a child, I broke my left leg in a motocycle accident so I had my leg in a plastic cast for a while. During that period, my father always carried me on his sholders. This is such a precious memory between my dad and I.
作品有參加以下幾個挑戰。This 12"x 12" layout is based on the following challenges.
➡ Stuck?! - September 1st Challenge
➡ Picture This! Challenge - September 1st "Boys Rule" Picture This Challenge
➡ another freaking scrappy challenge- September challenge is to use the colour red in your layout :)
➡ Stuck?! - September 1st Challenge
➡ Picture This! Challenge - September 1st "Boys Rule" Picture This Challenge
➡ another freaking scrappy challenge- September challenge is to use the colour red in your layout :)
[近拍。Close ups]
1. 將美編紙如下圖裁成長條,然後貼在背景上。
Cut some paper strips in different widths and stick them on the background paper.
2. 將美編紙撕成大小不一的長條,然後貼在背景上。
Tear some paper strips in different sizes and stick them on the background paper.
Apply gesso and let it dry. Then create some hearts of molding paste with a stencil, and let them dry.
Apply gesso and let it dry. Then create some hearts of molding paste with a stencil, and let them dry.
4. 使用Tattered Angels的噴劑噴在背景紙,待乾。
Spray some pigment of Tattered Angels and let it dry.
5. 用筆刷沾紅色壓克力顏料,然後指尖彈一下筆刷讓顏料噴濺在背景紙上。
Spray a few red acrylic drops on the background.
6. 用撕邊的方法,準備兩層的襯紙,下一層要比上一層寬一些。
Tear two pieces of paper to adequate sizes and attach them to the back of the photo.
7. 在美編紙上蓋字章。
Stamp the text.
Stamp the text.
8. 將紙膠帶貼在美編紙上,剪成小標籤。
Use an adhesive tape on a paper and cut it to the shape of a tag.
Use an adhesive tape on a paper and cut it to the shape of a tag.
9. 準備好所有的素材後,開始將照片、襯紙、花朵..等等有層次的黏貼起來。
Get all materials ready, then start to combine them layer by layer.
10. 將鈕扣用緞帶綁個蝴蝶結。
Tie a ribbon bow on a button.
Tie a ribbon bow on a button.
Randomly decorate some black pearls and sequins.
12. 加上黏土做的文字及說明就完成囉。
Use clay to make the word "DAD". Layout completed.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comments.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comments.
Anne Pennington
2016-09-20 09:25:45
Beautiful work Mei- Chen Lo ! I love your lovely textures and layers and how they showcase your treasured photo. Your tutorial is done very well ;). I am so happy to have you play along with Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge and hope you play along with us again soon!
Thank you so much, Anne. :)
2016-09-20 09:30:53
Mary Bennetts
2016-09-16 16:20:19
Very nice , I like your background work. Thank you for sharing with us at AFSC
Thank you so much, Mary. :)
2016-09-16 16:59:08
The background work is fabulous! Thanks for playing along with us over at Stuck?! Sketches!