2016-07-17 14:45:53老貓
[Challenge] 銅鑼杭菊(步驟分享)
♥ 相片美編。12" x 12" Layout-Gorgeous View ♥
The photo was taken at a chrysanthemum farm in Miaoli, Taiwan. My friend took a photo of me when I was taking a snapshot of the beautiful flowers and the gorgeous view.
♥ 步驟。Tutorial ♥
2. 用無酸膠將蕾絲紙和緞帶黏在背景紙。
Glue the ribbons and the lace doily to the background.
3. 用型版加塑型膏在背景先做一些圓圈圈,待乾。
Create some circles at the background with a stencil and molding paste, and let them dry.
4. 用海綿沾Gesso輕拍背景有物件的地方,待乾。
Apply some gesso to the background with a sponge, and let it dry.
6. 依據照片的顏色,繼續用壓克力顏料來加強背景的色彩效果。
Expand the colors seen in the subject photo to the background.
8. 用美編紙剪下幾個花朵,然後把花朵變立體,如下圖右邊的花。
Cut some paper flowers and shape them as in the right side of the photo.
10. 加上文字就完成囉。
Put a handwritting description and decorate with the title "Gorgeous View". Layout completed.
♥ 歡迎訂閱老貓的新聞台或加入老貓的臉書粉絲頁、社團 ♥
: https://www.facebook.com/O.CatHandmade/
The photo was taken at a chrysanthemum farm in Miaoli, Taiwan. My friend took a photo of me when I was taking a snapshot of the beautiful flowers and the gorgeous view.
(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in orignal size.)
(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in original size.)
♥ 相編挑戰。Challenges ♥
This 12"x12" layout is based on the following challenges.
This 12"x12" layout is based on the following challenges.
➡ ARTastic Challenge Blog- July
♥ 近拍。 Close ups ♥
♥ 步驟。Tutorial ♥
1. 將照片連主要的物件排好後,用鉛筆在背景紙定位。
Mark the positions of the photo and other materials with a pencil.
Mark the positions of the photo and other materials with a pencil.
2. 用無酸膠將蕾絲紙和緞帶黏在背景紙。
Glue the ribbons and the lace doily to the background.
3. 用型版加塑型膏在背景先做一些圓圈圈,待乾。
Create some circles at the background with a stencil and molding paste, and let them dry.
4. 用海綿沾Gesso輕拍背景有物件的地方,待乾。
Apply some gesso to the background with a sponge, and let it dry.
5. 使用Tattered Angels的噴劑噴在背景紙,然後用海綿輕拍,待乾。
Spray a mist of Tattered Angels and pat it with a sponge, and let it dry.
Spray a mist of Tattered Angels and pat it with a sponge, and let it dry.
6. 依據照片的顏色,繼續用壓克力顏料來加強背景的色彩效果。
Expand the colors seen in the subject photo to the background.
7. 緞帶上方的蕾絲紙利用海綿沾復古印台來拍色。
Paint the lace doily and the circular dots above the ribbons.
Paint the lace doily and the circular dots above the ribbons.
8. 用美編紙剪下幾個花朵,然後把花朵變立體,如下圖右邊的花。
Cut some paper flowers and shape them as in the right side of the photo.
9. 將照片、花朵、蝴蝶和所有物件有層次的黏貼起來。
Then start to combine all the materials layer by layer.
10. 加上文字就完成囉。
Put a handwritting description and decorate with the title "Gorgeous View". Layout completed.
♥ 歡迎訂閱老貓的新聞台或加入老貓的臉書粉絲頁、社團 ♥
2016-08-01 04:26:05
Just GORGEOUS!!! Thanks for sharing with us at ARTastic. Anna xo
Thank you so much, Anna. :-)
2016-08-01 09:42:13
2016-07-28 20:58:09
So pretty and delicate! Thanks for creating with us at ARTastic!
Thank you so much, Angelika. :-)
2016-07-28 23:22:41
Fabulous layout. I love all your little leaves. Thanks for joining in