2016-06-25 20:33:21老貓

[Challenge] 真誠 (步驟分享)

 ♥ 相片美編。12" x 12" Layout-SINCERE ♥

因緣際會下於1997年老貓再度回到學校當學生,認識了照片左邊的三位女孩。她們是我的同學兼室友,在KHC 618 寢室生活了一年。 那一年有很多快樂的回憶、有趣的經歷,我們常一起在寢室聊天,分享彼此的快樂悲傷,非常的單純無憂。對老貓來說,真的是很特別的一年!
By a chance I went back to school again in 1997. The three girls to the left in the photo were my roommates and classmates. We lived and studied together for a year, sharing happiness and sadness. It was an unique experience in my life.

I'm joining the following challenge.
(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right  to see the picture in original size.

♥ 相編挑戰。Challenges ♥

This 12"x 12" layout is based on the following challenges.

Let's GetSketchy -  June Week 3

The Studio Challenges -19th June - Recipe Challenge
Recipe Challenge; please create a layout including as many of these items as possible!
  Paint or ink splatters
  Enamel Dots
  Kraft colour
  A star
I managed to use all ingredients on this layout.

♥ 近拍。 Close ups ♥

♥ 步驟。 Tutorial ♥

1. 老貓先準備以下這些素材。
I prepared following materials in advance.

2. 用型版搭配塑型劑做出磚牆效果,然後用紅銅色壓克力顏料,以用海綿拍打、和筆刷揮灑的方式來呈現背景的效果。
The bricks were created with a stencil and molding paste, then applied with copper acrylic. I sprayed some acrylic drops at the background using a sponge and a brush.

3. 將以上準備好的素材,組合到相編裡嚕,就完成嚕。
The final page was then composed with all the materials mentioned above. Layout completed.

♥ 歡迎訂閱老貓的新聞台或加入老貓的臉書粉絲頁、社團 ♥
Susanne 2016-06-28 19:29:24

Lovely layout - I especially like that brick work.

Thank you so much, Susanne. :-) 2016-06-28 19:47:50