2016-05-14 15:28:27老貓

[Challenge。相編] 美好日子/Best Days

[相編。12"x12" Layout]

➡在照片上點一下,會連結到這張照片的相本,按一下右上角的〝放大鏡〞圖示,就可以原尺寸觀看照片喔。(Click on the picture then press the zoom button to the right to see the picture in original size.)
〝放大鏡〞圖示 (the zoom button)

當老貓聽到American Authors的Best Day Of My Life輕快的旋律,讓人雀躍地想跳舞,老貓想起在嘉明湖的那幾天,和夥伴們快樂地玩耍、嬉鬧,以及抵達嘉明湖時的感動,嘉明湖真的好美!現在回想起,爬百岳的過程雖然辛苦,但卻是老貓人生美好日子中的一段!

I feel like dancing when I listen to the brisk melody of the song "Best Day Of My Life". It reminds me of the good days during my hiking to the Chiaming Lake, a.k.a. the Angel's Tear, a famous high-mountain lake in Taiwan. It was challenging to conquer a mountain over 3000 meters high, and it was quite an accomplishment when we really made it.

This 12"x 12" layout is based on the following challenges.

Challenge YOUrself-CY# 29 and Scrap it With a Song Collaborate!
     I picked "Best Day Of My Life".
    CY# 29 and Scrap it With a Song Collaborate!

 ➡The Studio Challenges -8th May - Diamonds
    I created the layout based on the shape of diamonds.

 ➡Sketch N S crap - May 1st sketch
     May 1st sketch

[近拍。Close ups]

I used white acrylic to create the clouds in the background, and drawed dotted lines around the clouds.

BEST DAYS這個字、花和花鈕扣是黏土做的,再刷上Gloss。
The word "BEST DAYS", the flowers, and the flower-shaped buttons were made of clay and then coated with Gloss.



Thanks so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comments.

➡ 我的臉書粉絲頁
➡ 我的臉書社團
Surama 2016-06-03 06:30:44

Lovely layout! Love the background! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap.

Thank you so much, Surama :) 2016-06-03 09:55:03
Angela A 2016-05-18 06:34:26

What an accomplishment! This is a beautiful page! I love the way you did the background with the clouds!

Thank you so much, Angela. :) 2016-05-19 13:52:53
Lisa in Texas 2016-05-15 06:07:56

This is just gorgeous! LOVE all your wonderful details! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!

Thank you so much, Lisa. :) 2016-05-15 10:30:02