2019-05-04 06:31:12nzftbnfz1xbj

【刷卡購物享回饋】Britax R-mer 推車 B-READY 搶購好康



但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 Britax R?mer 推車 B-READY

經過了Britax R?mer 推車 B-READY










Britax Römer B-READY 設計式樣: Flame Red · 2019

The Britax Römer B-READY offers ultimate flexibility - whether you use it as a stroller or buggy for one child or more children. This trendy and versatile companion can also be transformed into a convenient travel system any time. The multi-functional buggy B-READY grows with your family and will accompany you and your little one from infancy up to preschool.

Read and marvel at all the amazing things this great all-round buggy has to offer:

The B-READY comes with lightweight aluminium chassis and a seat unit and is suitable for children at the age of six months and up. The central suspension of the breakdown-proof wheels as well as the lockable swivel front wheels contribute to the buggy's smooth ride and high driving quality. The height-adjustable push bar adapts perfectly to the size of mom or dad.

Due to the harness and the play bar that prevent your child from falling out, the seat unit of the B-READY is not only comfortable but also safe. Just great - the seat unit is fully reversible and can be installed in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode. That way, your little passenger can choose whether he wants to face mom and dad or else the world around. Ultimate comfort is provided by the multiply-adjustable backrest and footrest. The large canopy with sun visor and convenient viewing panel protects your little one from wind and weather so that he can enjoy every minute outside in the fresh air.

If your family is growing or you are happy expecting parents of twins, you can easily convert the B-READY into a tandem buggy in less than no time. The built-in Click & Go adaptor and a second adaptor (not included in delivery) provide numerous combination options. You can easily and with just one click switch between the Britax Römer infant car seat, the Britax Römer carrycot and a second seat unit (not included in delivery). Just as your family situation requires and as you master everyday life with your children best.

The B-READY is easy to transport due to its light weight and compact folding size. Even with the main seat and the second seat attached you can fold the buggy in a forward-facing position.


  • Suitable from 6 months up to 17 kg (3 years)

  • When combined with a carrycot or an infant car seat (not included in delivery), it is suitable from birth and up

  • 搶購好康
  • Items delivered: chassis with seat unit

  • Numerous combination possibilities for one child, siblings or twins (optionally you can purchase a carrycot, second seat unit and adaptor!)
  • 找便宜省錢大作戰

  • Can be used as travel system with integrated Click & Go adaptor for Römer carrycots or infant car seat (not included in delivery)

  • Height-adjustable push handle 89 - 115 cm

  • Multiply-adjustable backrest and footrest

  • Automatic folding mechanism

  • Fully reversible seat unit

  • Wheels: lockable swivel front wheels Ø18cm; rear wheels Ø28cm; breakdown-proof; light in weight; quick to remove
  • 折價券代碼超值推薦

  • Adjustable canopy with sun visor and viewing panel; UV protection 50+

  • Total weight of pushchair: 13 kg; weight of chassis and wheels: 9 kg

  • Dimensions unfolded (HxWxD): 110 x 61 x 98 cm; folded (with seat unit): 35 x 61 x 97 cm; chassis 33 x 61 x 86 cm




Britax R?mer 推車 B-READY













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Britax R?mer 推車 B-READY

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