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NUK Baby Care Set

With the NUK Baby Care Set you are well prepared for everyday life with a baby. The high-quality set consist of 4 parts and comes with 1 x Baby Thermometer 2 in 1, 1 x Baby Nail Scissors, 1 x Baby Brush and 1 x Nasal Aspirator.

NUK Baby Thermometer 2 in 1 - the gentle and easy way to take baby's temperature. The body temperature is an important indicator for your little one's health. That is why it is important for parents to take baby's temperature in a quick and simple way. With the NUK Baby Thermometer 2 in 1 it can be done easily and gently!

The NUK Thermometer 2 in 1 comes with an innovative and extra-small measuring tip with infrared transmitter. This way you can take baby's temperature in his or her ear within seconds. Alternatively, parents can run the sensor over baby's temple and will get a result in approx. 5 seconds. Furthermore, the thermometer features a memory function with which you can easily trace the progress of your little one's temperature over a longer period.

The NUK Baby Thermometer 2 in 1 can also be used to take the surface temperature of baby's food or the bathwater without touching the surface. The LCD display provides information about the room temperature in the nursery.

A practical base as well as a lithium batters (CR 2032, 3 Volt), to use the thermometer immediately are included in delivery.

NUK Nasal Aspirator - easy and safe use: squeeze the air out of the pump bulb, then place the nozzle carefully on one of baby's nostrils. The other nostril is closed lightly with a finger, while the pump bulb is released slowly to suction out the mucus. This way the congestion will be gone and your baby's nose is clear again.

NUK Baby Nail Scissors - provide big and secure help for little hands: these scissors make nail care easy and trim baby's nails gently and accurately. Rounded tips provide maximum safety. The blades are made of stainless steel and the scissors' handle is covered with non-slip soft material. In order to store theses scissors safely a protecting cover is included in delivery. The NUK Baby Nails Scissors are available in various trendy colours.

NUK Baby Brush - provides optimum hygiene, since it can be washed at 60°C. Its extra-soft nylon bristles massage and nurse baby's sensitive scalp in the most gently way possible. The convenient handle can be held securely in one's hand. Designed in a light grey colour this modern brush will stand out as a trendy eye catcher in your bathroom. In baby's first months of life his or her scalp is still very sensitive - that is why parents should use brushes and combs specially designed for baby's needs. Even if your little one's head is still far away from being full of hair, your baby will enjoy a little massage with a smooth brush and will also get used to daily hair care routine.




NUK 嬰兒護理組





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Whitecloud Fly郵寄服務公司郵寄帳戶註冊方式,請到:wflyshipping.com 上,點選 register,填寫表格。電話:914-315-9314 ; 微信(wechat): whitecloudflyship。







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