2017-09-08 20:01:07nqqwv5t1j9

Beauty面部護理護膚聖品推薦-MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Supreme Polypeptide Cream, Anti-Aging, 1.2 fl oz (35 ml)



MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Supreme Polypeptide Cream, Anti-Aging, 1.2 fl oz (35 ml)


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如果你還在考慮MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Supreme Polypeptide Cream, Anti-Aging, 1.2 fl oz (35 ml)這個商品的話床的世界我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買就可以囉~~

  • Advanced Wrinkle Defense with Matrixyl Synthe'6 Peptide for Elastin and Collagen Strength
  • Cruelty-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegetarian Friendly
Clean science, professional results.

Nutrient-and peptide-rich recountouring cream lifts and retexturizes skin of the face, neck, and décolletage for more refined, youthful appearance. Matrixyl synthe'6 reduces the apperance of wrinkle volume and depth; proteasyl TP Pea peptide improves skin's elasticity, increasing overall firmness; and rice peptides improve skins tone and texture.

MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Supreme Polypeptide Cream, Anti-Aging, 1.2 fl oz (35 ml)
