well..... the summer camp went well... very good indeed.. =P I was sorted to the dorm MAKEPeace whi...
haha 最進不知步覺就會唱起這首歌耶~ here we go: I fall asleep by the telephone It’s 2 O’clock a...
【 點名人物 】 1. Amy 2. Viv 3. sarah 4. Jerry 5. angela 6. judy 7. Torry 8. Teddy 9....
...i like the dog =] lol alrite, hmm got home early today... then noth... still noth... ahhh......
=(.. depressed... *sigh* As life goes on I’m starting to learn more and more about responsibility...
Here Without You lyrics A hundred days have made me older Since the last time that I saw your pr...
好無聊阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! some1 tell me how to 解決無聊plzzzzzz =[
哈哈哈哈(彎腳)阿! 痛>
終於找到我超超超超超超超超超愛的歌拉~~~~~~~~~~ get out alive~ No time for goodbye he said As he f...
假設上天給你5個願望,你想要的是: 希望...很多事情能完美 就這樣. ----------------------...
已經好久~好久沒放照片囉~ 這張是我因文project組的人~全家福no1全家福no 2下來就...random 哈哈 我小時後...
昨天....不錯 今天....不錯 明天....應該也會不錯吧= = 今天..浩呆叫我,alvin,qy留笑一起去跟他練羽球.....