2004-06-22 07:54:11莎朗

Do you cry out from your heart, but silently…

When someone talks to you
I believe most of the time they need something from you
Maybe not just saying hi
Maybe not just saying bye
Maybe not just saying something nonsense in their mind
May not be something physical
May be something emotional
Maybe they need you

Be heard

Be heard
Be understood
Be feeling that they are not alone
Be feeling they are needed,

Am I not offering my heart any more?
Am I seeing too many that I have shut down blind of my eyes?
Have I closed the gate to heaven?
Have I stopped love?

When I think back now
I have missed many those who are crying out
Didn’t hear their sos
Didn’t hear their silent voice

I feel
Then I know
But I know, I don’t react
I act, based on my need
And my needs, can only help me

I am not God
I am not sky you can reply on
I am but a little human being
I might be the one that’s crying out
Maybe I am the one needs to be heard

You don’t have to
Be nice to me just because you feel you will be getting credit
You don’t have to
explain just because you feel then I will get hurt

You don’t have to, and please don’t
Like me just because I am nice to you
I am like that to everyone first
I want you to like me because of who I am
And I will like you only because of you who are
Just like the fact I might not like you as who you are, originally
I don’t hate, but just don’t like
Simply that way
The way I am

Nobody tells me what to do
I follow my own rule
I follow my heart
And my heart tells me what’s true

My heart, my mind, and my soul
Please let me be more sensitive
Please let me hear the needs of the people
Please let me be of help
When they speak, or even when they just cry silently

When they need