2006-11-20 13:16:53嵐影
Sinead O’connor
一個讓眾人又愛又恨的歌手,大擔說出自己的感受,表現自己的想法。從小就受她的媽媽的虐待,因此她的歌曲中亦包含很多有關受虐兒童的感受的原素 (其中代表為她的”Babylon”)。電影In the Name of the Father亦有用到她的作品。離婚兩次後的她宣佈為同性戀者後,更被任命為女神父--當然這更引起了教會的不滿及各方的反對。
想認識她,可以看以下特輯: Sinead O’connor - Behind the Music
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XferMn76oE
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3lVvT4gaKA
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX5TmTOXVCI
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7lho76jOW8
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM3FVi-a6yw
FAMINE (mtv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL3ChbaAc1Q)
OK, I want to talk about Ireland
Specifically I want to talk about the ”famine”
About the fact that there never really was one
There was no ”famine”
See Irish people were only allowed to eat potatoes
All of the other food
Meat fish vegetables
Were shipped out of the country under armed guard
To England while the Irish people starved
And then on the middle of all this
They gave us money not to teach our children Irish
And so we lost our history
And this is what I think is still hurting me
See we’re like a child that’s been battered
Has to drive itself out of it’s head because it’s frightened
Still feels all the painful feelings
But they lose contact with the memory
And this leads to massive self-destruction
alcoholism, drug addiction
All desperate attempts at running
And in it’s worst form
Becomes actual killing
And if there ever is gonna be healing
There has to be remembering
And then grieving
So that there then can be forgiving
There has to be knowledge and understanding
All the lonely people
where do they all come from
An American army regulation
Says you mustn’t kill more than 10% of a nation
’Cos to do so causes permanent ”;psychological damage”;
It’s not permanent but they didn’t know that
Anyway during the supposed ”;famine”;
We lost a lot more than 10% of our nation
Through deaths on land or on ships of emigration
But what finally broke us was not starvation
but it’s use in the controlling of our education
School go on about ”;Black 47”;
On and on about ”;The terrible famine”;
But what they don’t say is in truth
There really never was one
(Excuse me)
All the lonely people
想認識她,可以看以下特輯: Sinead O’connor - Behind the Music
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XferMn76oE
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3lVvT4gaKA
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX5TmTOXVCI
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7lho76jOW8
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM3FVi-a6yw
FAMINE (mtv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL3ChbaAc1Q)
OK, I want to talk about Ireland
Specifically I want to talk about the ”famine”
About the fact that there never really was one
There was no ”famine”
See Irish people were only allowed to eat potatoes
All of the other food
Meat fish vegetables
Were shipped out of the country under armed guard
To England while the Irish people starved
And then on the middle of all this
They gave us money not to teach our children Irish
And so we lost our history
And this is what I think is still hurting me
See we’re like a child that’s been battered
Has to drive itself out of it’s head because it’s frightened
Still feels all the painful feelings
But they lose contact with the memory
And this leads to massive self-destruction
alcoholism, drug addiction
All desperate attempts at running
And in it’s worst form
Becomes actual killing
And if there ever is gonna be healing
There has to be remembering
And then grieving
So that there then can be forgiving
There has to be knowledge and understanding
All the lonely people
where do they all come from
An American army regulation
Says you mustn’t kill more than 10% of a nation
’Cos to do so causes permanent ”;psychological damage”;
It’s not permanent but they didn’t know that
Anyway during the supposed ”;famine”;
We lost a lot more than 10% of our nation
Through deaths on land or on ships of emigration
But what finally broke us was not starvation
but it’s use in the controlling of our education
School go on about ”;Black 47”;
On and on about ”;The terrible famine”;
But what they don’t say is in truth
There really never was one
(Excuse me)
All the lonely people