2004-05-24 10:00:11賽姐 / 羅麗泰 合體

The Dog-Fucked Sister Syndrome (Artificial mental disease)

The Dog-Fucked Sister Syndrome (Artificial mental disease)
發 表 人:賽你娘(nokusava)
發表時間:2004/05/24 09:54:44

* Finally I know that's not mental disease at all,no. That's totally from the satellite's receiver--B.P.--Brain Peeper & it's all made up by many peepers.

From the July 4. till December. 2003, Dog-Fucked sister always playing the role of peepe brain, broadcasts my privacies of mind and hurts my spirit.

----So long ago I am a material one, now I'm overlooking this way. Since the demonds became less, I'm not very request money. B4 I understand it's all comes from a tricky and terrible power which under the rich and politician's monitoring and controlling, people insulting me always and they don't know too. Still I forgave myself cause of I know my situation, but 2 b a dependent one made me shaming. I depend on familiers & the imagination of stretched hands showing up on my head again and once again ... I thought that's cause of I perceived the brain peepers increasing more & more and day by day (due to my articles on net: http://home.pchome.com.tw/web/roretta3388/index.html
). I'd afraid, hold it back 4 disguise but it's no use, in the contrary, became stronger & faster & finally I lost my sleepness.(Now I know that's all due to that machine and peepers.)

The spiritual pressure from Dog-fucked tells my thoughts out caused my shamful feeling even the sexual ---she likes to use this remarking me. Sexual imaginations, more I holded it back more it increased till it filled my brain. I hate some kind of sexual status.sexual pose and sexual object example when it is father to son or daughter, I'm very repelling it, but they're stimulating me consistently and I try & try 2 overcomr it. It seems like you're afraid ghost then you will think it more ---I'm afraid of roch then my beloving person's penis been steps on a roch... God! It's a kind of disgusting harm to me, I thought I got psychosis.