2007-08-07 13:19:42阿婆





反華勢力 2008-04-16 21:16:01



The Olympic Torch Relay Campaign
(Own report) - Conference reports and the research of a Canadian journalist reveal that a German Foreign Ministry front organization is playing a decisive role in the preparations of the anti-Chinese Tibet campaign. According to this information, the campaign is being orchestrated from a Washington based headquarters. It had been assigned the task of organizing worldwide &quotprotests&quot at a conference organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (affiliated with the German Free Democratic Party - FDP) in May 2007. The plans were developed with the collaboration of the US State Department and the self-proclaimed Tibetan Government in Exile and call for high profile actions along the route of the Olympic Torch Relay and are supposed to reach a climax in August during the games in Beijing. The campaign began already last summer and is now profiting from the current uprising in the west of the People`s Republic of China that is receiving prominent coverage in the German media. The uprising was initiated with murderous pogrom-like attacks by Tibetan gangs on non-Tibetan members of the population, including the Muslim Chinese minority. Numerous deaths of non-Tibetans provoked a reaction of the Chinese security forces.
According to the research by a Canadian journalist, a conference organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNSt) gave the impetus to the current anti-Chinese Tibet campaign that violently forced the interruption of the Olympian Torch Relay in Paris last Monday.[1] The conference was the fifth &quotInternational Tibet Support Groups Conference,&quot that was held from May 11 - 14, 2007 in Brussels. According to FNSt information this conference was supposed to do nothing other than the four preceding conferences [2] - &quotcoordinate the work of the international Tibet groups and consolidate the links between them with the central Tibetan Government in Exile.&quot[3] The German foundation, which is largely state financed, began the conference preparations in March 2005, and coordinated its plans with the Dalai Lama at his headquarters in the self-proclaimed Tibetan Government in Exile in Dharamsala, India. More than 300 participants from 56 countries, 36 Tibetan associations and 145 Tibet support groups were represented at the conference.
After several days of consultations the conference ended with a concerted &quotplan of action&quot. The paper is entitled &quotRoadmap for the Tibet Movement for the Coming Years&quot covering four areas of interest: &quotpolitical support for negotiations&quot, &quothuman rights&quot, &quotenvironment and development&quot and &quotthe 2008 Olympic games in Beijing.&quot The results of the conference are directed to the Tibetan people as well as &quottheir supporters around the world.&quot[4] Rolf Berndt, a member of the FNSt`s executive council in Brussels, declared that the Olympic Games &quotare an excellent opportunity&quot to publicly promote the cause of the &quotTibet Movement&quot.[5] The conference participants agreed to make the Olympics the single focus of attack for their activities for the next 15 months.[6] They hired a full-time organizer for their campaign, who has since been directing the worldwide Tibet actions from their Washington headquarters.
State Department
The decisions taken at the conference in Brussels, prepared by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, are particularly significant not only because of the large number of participants but also because of the influential politicians who helped in their formulation. For example the self-proclaimed Tibetan Government in Exile, which enjoys much prestige among separatists, was represented by its &quotPrime Minister&quot Samdong Rinpoche. Also attending was another eminent politician from the Indian Himachal Pradesh state, bordering on the People`s Republic of China, where the town Dharamsala is located, the &quotseat&quot of the Tibetan &quotGovernment in Exile.&quot A brisk interchange takes place between Himachan Pradesh and the Chinese autonomous region of Tibet. Paula Dobriansky, the Undersecretary of State in the US State Department and special coordinator for Tibet questions also participated. She was a member of the National Security Council already in the Reagan Administration, continued her career in the State Department during the administration of President Bush Sr. and since 2001 was again in the US foreign ministry. Ms Drobriansky is considered to be one of the members of the neo-conservative inner circle in the Bush Administration and ranks as a hard-liner capable of imposing policy.
Every Day
As a Canadian journalist learned through his research, the campaign headquarters in Washington, that had been decided upon at the conference in Brussels, has been able to develop rather successful activities. Already at the beginning of August 2007, exactly one year before the opening of the Olympics, a close associate organized a high profile action at the tourist filled Great Wall to the north of Beijing. She maintains close contact to the Tibetan &quotGovernment in Exile&quot.[7] Another close associate recently orchestrated the disturbance of the Olympic Torch Relay in Greece, seen on television around the world. The Washington headquarters is orchestrating other &quotprotests&quot intended to disturb the Torch Relay. The campaign will reach its climax during the Olympic games in August. &quotWe are determined to have non-violent direct action in the heart of Beijing, inside the Games, every day,&quot one activist declared.[8]
The anti-Chinese Tibet campaign, initiated under the direction of a German Foreign Ministry front organization (Friedrich Naumann Foundation) and a high-ranking representative of the US State Department, is developing its full efficacy in the aftermath of the uprisings in West People`s Republic of China that began only a few days before the start of the Torch Relay. Whereas the German media mainly reported on brutal attacks of the Chinese security forces, eye-witness accounts provide a different picture of what happened. The British journalist, James Miles (&quotThe Economist&quot), who was in Lhasa from March 12 - 19, reports of pogrom-like attacks by Tibetan gangs on non-Tibetan members of the population of the city, among them the Muslim minority. According to Miles, the shops of Tibetan merchants were marked and left unscathed while all other shops were plundered, destroyed or set afire.[9] In one building alone five textile saleswomen were burned to death. Besides Miles, western tourists also described the attacks on non-Tibetans. One Canadian saw how a group of Tibetans beat a Chinese motorcyclist and proceeded to &quotmercilessly&quot stone him. &quotEventually they got him on the ground, they were hitting him on the head with stones until he lost consciousness. I believe that young man was killed,`` reported the tourist.[10]
Whereas Miles was describing the reluctant reactions of the Chinese security forces in an interview broadcast over CNN, the German media is using the uprisings as a backdrop to represent brutal Chinese repression. Facts obviously play a subordinate role. In the meantime, television channels and daily journals have had to admit manipulations of pictures. Film sequences with Nepalese policemen beating demonstrators were sold as documentation of alleged Chinese police attacks.[11] The security forces` saving a boy from an attacking Tibetan mob was coarsely labeled a violent arrest. Even Miles` report was editorially presented in a context to focus on Chinese repression. For the purpose of comparison, german-foreign-policy.com documents excerpts of a CNN interview with the British journalist as well as the corresponding passage from a renowned German daily.[12] (Click here.)
The pogrom-like mob-violence not only created the necessary media profile for the current Tibet campaign, initiated with the help of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, it also permits an insight into the character of Tibetan separatism. The &quotprime minister&quot of the Tibetan &quotExile Government,&quot who had participated in the formulation of the plan of action at the May 2007 Tibet Conference in Brussels, had already at the end of the 1990s, expounded in the German media on his views of the future of non-Tibetans, who had immigrated to Tibet over the past 50 years. In the case of a successful secession, they will have to &quotreturn to China, or if they would like to remain, be treated as foreigners.&quot He explained the planned measures: &quotthey will, in any case, not be allowed to participate in the political life.&quot[13] The prospect of discrimination against all non-Tibetan members of the population was anticipated in mid-March by mobs in their bloody attacks on Chinese and members of the Muslim minority.
Please read also Strategies of Attrition (I), Strategies of Attrition (II), Strategies of Attrition (III), Strategies of Attrition (IV) and The Olympic Lever.
[1] Doug Saunders: How three Canadians upstaged Beijing; Globe and Mail 29.03.2008. Die Konferenz wurde von der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit der selbsternannten tibetischen Exilregierung und einem interfraktionellen Zusammenschluss des belgischen Parlaments durchgeführt.
[2] Die ersten vier &quotInternational Tibet Support Groups Conferences&quot fanden 1990 (Dharamsala), 1996 (Bonn), 2000 (Berlin) und 2003 (Prag) statt. Bereits die zweite Konferenz wurde von der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung organisiert.
[3] Gerhardt kritisiert Belgien nach Absage des Dalai-Lama-Besuchs; www.fnst-freiheit.org 11.05.2007
[4] Brussels Tibet conference roadmap for peace in Tibet; www.tibet.com 14.05.2007
[5] Valedictory Speech, International Tibet Support Groups Conference 5th, Dr. h.c. Rolf Berndt, Executive Director, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung fuer die Freiheit,Brussels, 14th May 2007
[6], [7}, [8] Doug Saunders: How three Canadians upstaged Beijing; Globe and Mail 29.03.2008
[9] Transcript: James Miles interview on Tibet; CNN 20.03.2008
[10] Chinese beaten mercilessly - tourists; Herald Sun 19.03.2008
[11] Fotos aus Tibet; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 24.03.2008
[12] see also Augenzeuge
[13] &quot99 Prozent der Tibeter vertrauen in Seine Heiligkeit" Berliner Zeitung 20.10.1997. Ähnlich hat sich erst kürzlich der Dalai Lama geäußert. &quotAlle Chinesen, die Tibetisch sprechen und die tibetische Kultur respektieren, können bleiben&quot, sagte er einer deutschen Zeitung - mit einer Einschränkung: &quotsofern es nicht zu viele sind&quot. &quotChina mischt sich auch in Deutschlands

幹上了!!驚怕!之外 2008-04-13 21:55:03







环球时报·环球网消息 据筹办单位表示,预计于5月30日展开的纽约─巴黎汽车大赛因中国大陆以内的比赛路线出现变数而延期。中国政府临时禁止比赛通过中国大陆境内。


  报道称,参赛者计划从纽约开跑,横越北美洲,预及8月2日抵达终点的巴黎艾菲尔铁塔,全程3万148公里,其中包括2万1087公里的陆上行程,以及自温哥华到上海之间的空中行程。参赛队伍分别来自澳洲、加拿大、美国、波兰等国。(环球网 董博)

歐洲議會西藏問題的決 2008-04-12 21:41:15

http://news.sina.com 2008年04月11日 12:09 中國新聞社



  中國政府在西藏問題上的政策是一貫的和明確的。西藏是中國領土不可分割的一部分,西藏事務純屬中國內政。只要達賴喇嘛放棄“西藏獨立”的立場,停止分裂祖國的活動,公開承認西藏是中國領土不可分割的一部分,承認台灣是中國領土不可分割的一部分,中央政府同達賴喇嘛對話的大門始終是敞開的。(記者 謝棟風) 【編輯:聞育旻】
