2004-10-06 17:43:16sam

學英語有時也覺得好有趣,由於難以找到一起對話的人,我就常和兒子講英語.日常生活中能用英語表達的事情,我都儘量用英語和他說.晚上睡覺前,兒子要聽故事,我也用英語說給他聽.兒子不聽話時,也來幾句英語教訓他.例如"How can you treat your dad like that?""You are no longer a little baby,you are already a boy.You can't just know crying all the time."這些話當然不一定奏效,但孩子聽得認真,有時候他卻學出來教訓大人來了,也真好笑.在和孩子一起學英語中,還"創造"出了的幾個有趣的句子:
Do you like the green grape?
Yes,the grape tastes great.
Do you like to blow the blue balloon?
Would you like some black bread?
(Oh,no.I'v never seen the black one.)^-^
Do you like the green grape?
Yes,the grape tastes great.
Do you like to blow the blue balloon?
Would you like some black bread?
(Oh,no.I'v never seen the black one.)^-^