2013-05-02 18:13:51Aurora
Los Angeles, California (上)
簡單說 這篇文章是我大發慈悲為我表妹跟老妹發的
Long story short, this article is written for my cousins and sister
Because they don't have any idea but still want to go to LA for 2.5 days
Though I had my friend's help but I've been there 3 times already...
Thus I would like to give u some hints.
首先, LA的交通其實不算很方便
First, the transportation in LA is not really...convenient
But since u only have 2.5 days, it shouldn't be a big problem
如果走花少錢路線, 我建議去Santa Monica 走走
If you have budget concern, I think Santa Monica is not a bad choice.
但我當初是從UCLA搭公車去的, 所以從West Hollywood要怎麼去我不確定
But I went there by bus from USLA, so I am not sure how to get there from West Hollywood (where you guys will stay)
the following 2 websites might be helpful
Santa Monica海灘其實是高價shopping區因為稅收很重
Santa Monica beach is actually an expensive shopping area due to the taxes....
but it's free for just eye-shopping for a casual evening :)
As for this tiny amusement park... I think there is no need to spend money on this lol
Though it's kinda like Xin Yi district....
It's still be a nice place to go since it has a beach
我去的時候是陰天, 如果晴天去應該很漂亮
it was cloudy when I visited, if u guys go on a sunny day, I am sure it will be pretty
但缺點是, Santa Monica離妳們住的地方有點遠
But the bad thing is, it is kinda far from where you live
Just make sure u know when to leave in case u can't make it back till midnight (which is dangerous)
接下來, 還是人文路線的便宜景點
Next, still a quiet way to enjoy California
I recommend University of California--Los Angeles
Still, u can get there by bus so do some homework from the website I gave u.
I think it's way bigger than NTU
And it's in the mountain
If u want to go there, make sure u know where to take the bus back
然後既然都去了, 別忘了去找它們學校的代表動物--棕熊
Since u are there, don't forget to find their representative animal--Bruins!
It's definitely a place with temperament and would not cost u a lot of money.
But don't forget to stop by their "gift shop" lol
原則上, UCLA+Santa Monica絕對會花上一整天
Basically, it will takes u all day for go to UCLA and Santa Monica
Get up and leave early is a best idea, and make sure u have maps with u
Then, still a schedule without making u bankrupt
The Highland Plaza is worth to visit, and it's free
still a shopping place but you can see Hollywood sign !!
And u will see a lot of "famous people" on Hollywood Ave.
but be careful...u have to give tips if they found u taking pics of them
有星光大道, 中國戲院, 柯達戲院 (就是奧斯卡獎頒獎地的樣子)...
there are Hollywood Walk of Fame, Chinese Theater, Kodak Theater ....etc.
如果前半天想去走走又沒太多時間的話, 好萊塢大道是妳們最好選擇
If you want to go somewhere at the first half (or less) day, Hollywood will be the best choice. Because it's only 2 stations away (metro) from where u stay.
不花錢行程講到這邊, 花錢行程請等下集
Above all are the free sightseeing spots. If you want to take the spots with ticket fee into consideration, please wait for the next episode lol
上一篇:Sandusky, Ohio
下一篇:來來來 LA的要花錢行程