2007-03-17 21:30:35Nika:D
I NeVer unDerStand yOu。。。。
i am so sorry
i never think about you felling。。。。
that i sorry to you
when you angery
i am sad
because i care about you
you know
i realy want try to understand you
but you never want to tell me
so ~
i am sad
maybe i am not a good person
i always ask myself what wrong with us?!
but i don"t have any answer
i don"t know
i never think about you felling。。。。
that i sorry to you
when you angery
i am sad
because i care about you
you know
i realy want try to understand you
but you never want to tell me
so ~
i am sad
maybe i am not a good person
i always ask myself what wrong with us?!
but i don"t have any answer
i don"t know