2007-10-01 19:57:13*傻豬▂_

Friday, September 28, 2007

Whenever we are tired, we take a rest. That is only useful if you are physically worn out. What should you do if you’re worn out mentally? For me, I pay a visit to the Chook-Lam-Chee. Chook-Lam-Chee is the temple where my grandparents rest. Although they rest in a grave in Taipa, they have another grave here for their religious beliefs. I go to Chook Lam Chee when I feel jaded and in need of a rest, whenever I feel lost, whenever I’m not doing my job well or disturbed, whenever I am extremely unhappy. It’s the place where I take a time out and spend some time with my grandmother spiritually. My grandfather passed away a few years before I was born, so I don’t have much of a memory of him. It was my grandmother that brought me up; I will always have that special bond with her that is incomparable to anyone else. She was always kind and gentle to me ONLY! She would order BBQ pork buns for me at yum cha, she would help me tie my laces and she would love me more than any other child she brought up. Sadly, she passed away when I was four. I’ll always remember that night, there was a lot of noise in the house, and grandma was lying on the bed. I was really afraid; it’s a horrible thing to know about death at such a tender age. As I’ve grown up, I’ve always thought that she held high expectations for me, and that’s why I always try my best in everything I do, I just hate to fail. I’ve never really had the chance to do anything for her, which is something that I will regret till the day that I die. All I can do is visit her more frequently, when I’m in Chook Lam Chee, I feel she is right next to me, I talk to her, I can hear her replies. I ask her what I should do, directions are somehow given, one way or the other, this may seem quite weird and strange, but it is not the first time that it has happened. At the end of the day, I just feel renewed again, full of energy and raring to scale for new heights. I went there yesterday, and I seem to have found my feet again, it has been a strange month for me, Form 6 does seem to be a big step up, let’s hope I’m performing back to my own standards very soon.

又同d 伯伯踢波...好似話又有飯食, 又有得捧盃....



十月五日 - 班際足球賽

十月九日(寒露) - 班際籃球賽 = =!

十月十八日 - 班際足球賽

十月廿四日(霜降) - 班際籃球賽 = =!

著住件小背心先咁涷....係後備席都已經好涷ga ma...


甲一組 季軍戰 : 於9月28日(五) 20:00 在鮑思高球場舉行 由    藍英 對 乾忠
    冠軍戰 : 於9月28日(五) 21:15 在鮑思高球場舉行 由  蒙地卡羅 對 藍白


Lam Pak! Lam Pak! Lam Pak!

呀!! 2898快d升呀! 十二月食粥食飯睇你ga la...

升到$1.8 咁唔生性ga > <



早幾晚差d 燒曬我前面頭髮d 陰 - - (險!)

多謝ivy 同 joe及時救火... ^.^"



阿嫂...佢唔比我msn add你wo...唔公平ge!


我有d 後悔將我架寶貝紅色MR-2 改做橙色...



藍白攞第二, 藍英第三...



冇得唔飲la...唉...有d wing wing地...

不過d 野食真係唔錯...戈氹仔花城間美中隔離....







第一場打後防...結果和左 0:0


結果比人辣著左...有個死 o靚仔係咁矛我...

好幸運地射入左一球...射入左jammy 主任...



結果佢地玩出火...冇lala 比我地入左波 = =








上一篇:A day in Venice (Venetian)
