2005-12-04 00:30:47*傻豬▂_

好耐未寫過新聞台了, y? 因為實在太忙啦. 日日都係讀書讀書....冇遊戲...慘..今個week 都發動生好多好有趣ge事情... like...我好努力study, 我更加了解我身邊ge朋友. 今個week ge 蕉點離唔開friday. biology test...念住死得la, 有1條問題問: what is the function of the liver in the digestive system?
答案係 : the liver produces bile to help digestion. Bile includes: Bile salts- emulsifying fats into oil droplets.
Bile pigments- No function at all in the digestive process. Is formed from the breaking down of haemoglobin in red blood cells.
Sodium HydrogenCarbonate- Neutralizes the acidic chyme and provides a alkaline solution in which the enzymes work best.
係咪覺得好難呢? 我都覺得係. 今次test已經將成個消化系統背曬...kaka
星期1,2 仲有中文, 3有physics.
physics 星期5 約左安東出泥教地...結果明白多左好多野...起碼boyles law 個實驗都明a...食左好多野...好貴...好在帶多左錢...如果唔係要洗碗 >_<
今日冇去康樂training...會唔會比人誤會我係懶洋洋的人ne? 希望會la, 因為我實在太多野測驗la..
今日不斷想著一個問題: (關於我本人的)
"是怕跌下來的時候痛? 定係跌完起唔返身?"
答案係 : the liver produces bile to help digestion. Bile includes: Bile salts- emulsifying fats into oil droplets.
Bile pigments- No function at all in the digestive process. Is formed from the breaking down of haemoglobin in red blood cells.
Sodium HydrogenCarbonate- Neutralizes the acidic chyme and provides a alkaline solution in which the enzymes work best.
係咪覺得好難呢? 我都覺得係. 今次test已經將成個消化系統背曬...kaka
星期1,2 仲有中文, 3有physics.
physics 星期5 約左安東出泥教地...結果明白多左好多野...起碼boyles law 個實驗都明a...食左好多野...好貴...好在帶多左錢...如果唔係要洗碗 >_<
今日冇去康樂training...會唔會比人誤會我係懶洋洋的人ne? 希望會la, 因為我實在太多野測驗la..
今日不斷想著一個問題: (關於我本人的)
"是怕跌下來的時候痛? 定係跌完起唔返身?"