2005-09-09 23:47:44*傻豬▂_
失去才懂珍惜, To treasure before losing

今日從英文老師口中( Miss Gemma), 才知道我以前的英文老師jimmy 是多麼寵愛我的. 上堂時, 我們要做一個listening practise. 我跟miss gemma 開玩笑. "哈, 我d listening 好雞ga咋" , 佢就咁樣回答:"no!, u are very good. Whenu were in F3, jimmy would always use your paper to correct others, and thats how i know a guy called Nico, whose english was very good." 聽完這個回應後, 我真的有點後悔在jimmy的最後一堂還在玩他. 他叫我們寫e-mail時, 我還給他多個色情網站的網址. 我那時都不知道他會走, 以為他捨不得我們升上f4 而已...
Today, through Miss Gemma (me english teacher) i learnt that my english teacher last year was such a great teacher and liked me alot. She said that whenever we had a English Teat, Mr. Jimmy would always use my paper to correct other, and thats how she got to know that Nico was a very good student in English. I feel a bit upset now that i played a little trick on him be4 he left. When he told us to leave our e-mail 4 him, i thoought he was just going to miss us becoz we got promoted to Form4, i had no idea that i he was going to leave. I left my e-mail and a erotic website for him (=_=").....
Today, through Miss Gemma (me english teacher) i learnt that my english teacher last year was such a great teacher and liked me alot. She said that whenever we had a English Teat, Mr. Jimmy would always use my paper to correct other, and thats how she got to know that Nico was a very good student in English. I feel a bit upset now that i played a little trick on him be4 he left. When he told us to leave our e-mail 4 him, i thoought he was just going to miss us becoz we got promoted to Form4, i had no idea that i he was going to leave. I left my e-mail and a erotic website for him (=_=").....