2005-08-31 22:12:25*傻豬▂_
Last Day 玩到盡!
放完暑假lu..今個暑假實在太難忘啦...去過地方, 做過咁多事. 不過這個暑假卻引起了一個新問題. 我咁多選擇...我都唔知簡mud 好...今日無意中同d fd. 傾開...佢地2個都比左d 意見我...第日出泥做咩? 係大學修咩科呢? 嗯..其實一直以來我答的通通都是廢話...呃你地ga姐..但係細心想想..我真係唔知..
留係馬交, 我又覺得好辛苦. d中文咁q難...
去澳洲...應該a...咁辛苦做左佢ge 居民冇理由唔返去讀...不過係寄宿..唉
去英國...第日一定有返安穩ge工...不過自己又不太like 戈面..冇mud feel咁..
The holidays are almost finished...just about 2 hours left...haha...this summer was effin’ unforgettable. i went to so much places, did so much things.But this summer a new problem poped up into my mind. When i finish my High school, what subjects should i take at university? Where ami going to study? What am i going to do as a living?
In fact, all that i’ve said in the past what i wanted to do was bullshit ==" trust me..becoz i was running away..i’m scared..>.<
If i stay in Macau, i will be very unhappy, coz the chinese here is getting harder and harder...
If i go back to Australia, i’ll find it lonely...coz its a boarding school. F that.
If i go to England, i’m guarranteed a job when i comeout of school. But i don’t really like the surroundings and people, culture and the climate and the way of living...
i don’t know which road i should pick...any comments everybody?
留係馬交, 我又覺得好辛苦. d中文咁q難...
去澳洲...應該a...咁辛苦做左佢ge 居民冇理由唔返去讀...不過係寄宿..唉
去英國...第日一定有返安穩ge工...不過自己又不太like 戈面..冇mud feel咁..
The holidays are almost finished...just about 2 hours left...haha...this summer was effin’ unforgettable. i went to so much places, did so much things.But this summer a new problem poped up into my mind. When i finish my High school, what subjects should i take at university? Where ami going to study? What am i going to do as a living?
In fact, all that i’ve said in the past what i wanted to do was bullshit ==" trust me..becoz i was running away..i’m scared..>.<
If i stay in Macau, i will be very unhappy, coz the chinese here is getting harder and harder...
If i go back to Australia, i’ll find it lonely...coz its a boarding school. F that.
If i go to England, i’m guarranteed a job when i comeout of school. But i don’t really like the surroundings and people, culture and the climate and the way of living...
i don’t know which road i should pick...any comments everybody?