2007-03-14 11:42:20nick


--look forward to

a. look forward to 期待;盼望(人、事物)
When you look forward to something or look forward to doing something, you are excited about something in the future because you enjoy it or because it will benefit you in some way.

It’s been four years since my brother went overseas. I’m looking forward to seeing him again.

I look forward to an opportunity to meet with you in person.

--put up with

a. put up with 忍耐;忍受(人、事)
When you put up with something you do not like or are not happy about, you accept it and do not try to change it.

Her neighbors have loud parties every night, but she doesn’t complain. She just puts up with it.

My husband said, “I’ve put up with your brother long enough!”

--screw ... out of

a. screw ... out of 〔口語〕榨取;詐騙;勒索(財物等)
[informal] When you get money or something valuable from people in a dishonest way, you screw them out of it.

That con man screwed me out of my life savings.

Their sleazy son-in-law screwed them out of thousands of dollars.

--talk down to

a. talk down to 高傲地(對人)說話
When you talk down to people, you use a tone of voice or an attitude that shows you think they are less intelligent, less educated, or from a lower level of society than you.

I was furious about the way he talked down to me!

Bob hates Jane because of the way she talks down to him.
