2005-06-28 17:01:19Dany

Il cuore ancora e ’ lasciato ad Alberobello

這一篇還是和遊記沒什麼關係.最近不知道為什麼就是不想上班,尤其是上頭又發了一些奇奇怪怪的新規定!艾~真煩!今年好像是義大利年, 身邊的朋友都一直去義大利(雖然自己也去玩回了~,但就是提不起勁說)~~~Il mio cuore ha lasciato alla vacanza !
話說重四月開始, 先是雷老師回Venezia 渡假, 接著是我五月初去義大利休假,再來是Angela去五月底去德國+義大利(她就很猛了,因為她二月才去義大利過,Dieci ~mesi的$$$果然不是白領的)接著又換Clelia 小姐去義大利,因為她和Angela 小姐在義大利共渡一週 ~再來Livia 小姐好像九月也會去的樣子!!=
“ A lot Like Love “裡面放的.雖是普普的好萊屋電影, 不過還算感人的,男女主角也都很贊(不是指演技)!

Chicago - If You Leave Me Now
If you leave me now
You\’ll take away the biggest part of me
Ooo oh, no, baby please don\’t go
And if you leave me now
You\’ll take away the very heart of me
Ooo oh, no, baby please don\’t go.
Ooo, oh, girl, I just want you to stay
A love like ours is love that\’s hard to find
How could we let it slip away?
We\’ve come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way?
When tomorrow comes and we both regret
The things we said today
A love like ours is love that\’s hard to find
How could we let it slip away?
We\’ve come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way?
When tomorrow comes and we both regret
The things we said today