2022-06-28 23:35:49newmandjt4





4.8M HF Antenna and 7.5mm Spring Short Antenna Base

Model No: MV-0130M02A-48-BS75

Antenna Length: 5.1 - 5.2m
Antenna Section Weight: 2Kg
Antenna Base Weight: 2.4 Kg

The family of the HF wideband mobile antennas FT-4 are composed of the antenna sections and the antenna bases suitable for various configurations and antenna heights. The antennas are intended for mobile work with the HF radios.

The antenna sections are all 120 (4’) cm long and are made of the strong pultruded composite tube (fiberglass) with male and female joints at both ends. Antenna sections are mounted on the antenna base type Antenna FT-4 (up to 4 sections) made of composite materials and with a biconical SS spring enabling bending of the antenna with the rope horizontally for NVIS applications. The antenna sections are packed in a canvas bag for transportation and storage.






文章來自: https://attach.setn.com/newsimages/2022/06/27/3709551-XL.jpg