2011-08-04 00:30:52Miss N


feel tired ,
need a place to take a break.

where is my position, my goal, my road?
can't find an answer to understand the meaning of them
but I must DO my best for everything.

Fucking Crazy and Busy Life!



台北的午夜有一種想念的氣味 它總是讓人難以入眠 讓人哽咽
那房間的煙味想著誰想著誰 它總是不經意的又一次
有意思 沒意思在耳邊無理徘徊
真的有一點累 真的無力我向後退
因為你的一句問候不能代表 你真的能體會

我知道這一路的風風雨雨 它總是讓人跌倒
也知道這一路的曲曲折折 會模糊了我的想要
未來也許飄渺 我的力量也許很渺小
要讓你知道執著是我 唯一的驕傲

上一篇:Amy Winehouse R.I.P

-__-|| 2011-08-04 22:10:21

Don't sad and worry about it. Because this road is not only yourself.