2003-02-06 07:41:06中年無聊男子


上星期六帶了小王子和小公主去做每半年一次的健康檢查. 以下是他們的報告.

小王子﹕ 67.6 lb.

小公主﹕ 64.7 lb.

Coat & Skin: Bright and shiny

Eyes: Bright and clear

Ears: Discharge

Nose, Throat, & Lymph Glands: Cool, wet nose

Mouth, Teeth, Gums: Clean and odor free

Lungs: Normal Sounds

Heart: Normal rhythm

Abdomen: Normal nonpainful

Urogenital system: Normal

Anal Sacs: Empty/normal

Legs, Joints & Paws: Normal

Neurological/Behavioral: mormal behavior and responses

