2022-11-08 14:16:33non woven fabric

Whenever we buy food items and stuff

Whenever we buy food items and stuff, we hardly focus on its coverings. Our focus is mainly the food or the packed item and we do not bother to think since how long we have been taking the advantage of this meticulous development needle punched non woven fabric manufacturers without realizing its importance. Especially in the grocery store, there are plenty of food items that require paper sacks for carrying them. We never thought that where these plastic carriers came from that negates the need to bring our personal bags in a grocery store.

Let us discuss the history of food packaging, which will help us get to the background of this invention:The initial phase of food packaging:In the late 18th century people discovered cellulose to be an essential component needed for making wrappers. It is the wood sack which got transformed into wrappers. People realized wrappers as the first discovered element for food packaging. In the late 18th century it was used in every common food store and in big food malls. It became so common that every shop was filled with the wrappers which relieved the customers in carrying their small and big food items.

Among kids, the candy wrappers were a big hit and in the smoking community, the cigar and cigarette wrappers were there throughout the time. When people took wrappers on the common use, it became an essential element for them. It was light, cheap and became a handy carrier for keeping food items in a safe condition. You can see so many food items that are covered up wrappers. Chocolates are the most common example for it. By wrapping chocolates they get covered and protected. And they can be stored in a grocery store for a good period of time.It was in the 18th century when cotton material was used for making packaging of food items. It was in England where people made cotton carriers to take away some heavy food items like meat, vegetables or big sized fruits like pineapple and watermelon etc. It helped a lot, especially in the regular shopping of food items.

The next phase of food packaging:In the late 19th century when one side wrappers were common, plastic material for packaging was introduced. It was in 1980s when plastic was adopted as the main material for food packaging. Even with the introduction plastic, the wrappers and cotton carriers were of the same importance. This is because of the ease they provided in carrying small items like candies, sugar, cookies etc. But when it was about carrying heavy food items, plastic was usually preference. Plastic is a polymer obtained from tropical plants.It is a ductile material which has strength and can bear enough loads at a time. When wrappers are used for heavy food items, there is a chance to rip. That is why people preferred plastic carriers as they are stronger as compared to wrappers. Apart from the comparison, wrappers are still valuable and we can see them in every food store. Plastic carriers are also common due to the purpose for which they are used.