2004-09-21 23:55:32尚未設定

A Nice Talk

  A nice talk, I hardly recall when it happened last time. Busy life seems to ruin every interest, making me afraid of exploring something I am not familiar with. I wonder, how many times did a nice talk happen a day in this big modern city? We meet thousands of people, talking to them. Is there any formulation for a nice talk?
  There was a time when I got the experience in which we talked about sex orientation. Well, what a serious topic like that. Somebody might think a casual topic probably triggers a nice talk better. But somehow, I learned something there that urges me to think about questions, such as which side I should stand, or whether there is an absolute right or wrong in sex orientation. Due to its rarity or the weakness, people may not accept the queer as they do in food or clothes. After all, it is never a fashion at all until now. I remember one episode in “Sex and the City,” Carrie is unable to admit the one who she is dating with is a gay. What if, this happens to you, what are you going to do? Of course, it is not easily took, but can we just say, “they are not like me, so I cannot bear them standing besides me or chatting with me”?
  I doubt that how much percentage of people in this city have ever thought the problem, and how many men or women are able to convince that he or she is asking the Sleeping Beauty or a Prince Charming.
  Well, what I want to say is, how can we take on a nice talk. Perhaps we need to pick up a right person, choosing a right person, and asking the one to the right place. But, is this talk really what we dream of? It might only a artificial one.