2004-03-05 01:46:12Nathan

"Tuesdays with Morrie"

中六時,由於課程需要,讀了<< 唐山大地震 >>一書。


"Tuesdays day with Morrie"一書,中譯本名為<<最後十四堂星期二的課>>。



I have never had such feeling after reading a book. I cannot find out the reason for feeling sad, feeling sad because of the pass of somebody I don't really know, for someone that I have never met.

However, it happens.

My heart was full of tears when I read the words "......Morrie has gone on a Saturday morning.". All I know about Morrie is from the book. He is a 78 years old professor to many people. But to me, I see him as one of my friends although we don't have chance to know each other.The way he saw life is different. He has no power and no money. However, he affects people on the way they treat life. It's hard to describe how he can do that. All I can say or think of is that Morrie was special.

I wish I could be one of his students......

God bless him.