2010-07-13 20:25:11nathan





It has taken much longer than expected before C# finally surpassed Visual Basic in the TIOBE index. Although C# is generally considered to be the second enterprise language behind Java, it is rising only very gradually. On the other hand, Visual Basic adepts regarded Microsoft's introduction of VB.NET in 2002 a rude stab in the back. It has taken 8 years from that moment on to see a serious drop down of Visual Basic, however.

6月另一些有趣的變化是:JavaScript(腳本語言)排名靠後了,排在第十。2010年上半年的贏家是:C(提升了2.3%),Java(提升了1.2%) 和 Objective-C (提升了1.1%)。敗者是:VB(下降了1.8%),PHP(下降了1.5%) 和 Go(下降0.8%).

Other interesting changes in July are: JavaScript is back in the top 10. The winners of the first half of 2010 are C (+2.3%), Java (+1.2%) and Objective-C (+1.1%). The losers are Visual Basic (-1.8%), PHP (-1.5%) and Go (-0.8%).

TIOBE 編程語言指數是編程語言流行程度的指示器。該指數每月更新。該排名基於世界範圍內有經驗的工程師,英文翻譯課程和第三方資料提供商。流行的搜索引擎如:Google,MSN,Yahoo!,維琪和YouTube中的搜索資料用於計算排名。應該注意的是,TIOBE指數不是關於哪種是最好的編程語言,或者哪種編程語言是被用來寫代碼最多的語言指數。


文章來源:碩博翻譯公司 碩博翻譯社

