2013-07-16 03:00:00frank
[技巧] 給友人的自由式函授(四)- 開放水域游泳
2012年8月11日週六 (台北標準時間上午11:00)突尼西亞選手Oussama Mellouli在男子10公里馬拉松游泳摘下金牌,這也是突尼西亞本屆第一面金牌。(圖片來源:達志影像) Photo taken from internet @Yahoo Sports
在 YouTube 上有幾支影片提供很好的建議,這個順序是依我對其重要性的評價排序的,在前的比較重要。
一、David Scott 的建議:http://youtu.be/6vbPNfwcHaQ
二、英國三項運動選手 Marc Jenkins 提供的建議:http://youtu.be/YLT7YEwUCwI
再來的兩支影片都是由英國的開特力 Gatrorade UK 所贊助,由一位三項運動教練 Jack Maitland 所提供的建議:
article history:
finished Jun. 4, 2013draft: Oct. 5, 2012
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From: Frank
Date: Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 6:09 PM
Subject: swimming
To: Jack
This is the finale of this email swimming instruction. After introduction of stroke mechanics, flutter kicks and breathing, then the finale is about open water swimming.
LESSON 4, Open Water Swimming (finale)
Just review following videos, then you will get all you need to know about open water swimming, or the swimming leg of triathlon game. Personally, I think the amateur athlete like us, sighting is the most critical technique that demand your attn. So, if you know "water-polo stroke" or "head-up freestyle/crawl", then it will be much easier for your to sight.
1. Dave Scott- Tips for Open Water Swimming
2. Preparing for Open Water Swimming with Speedo presented by Olympian, Marc Jenkins
I recommend the sighting technique and rolling technique for turn suggested in this video.
Forget the tumble turn (flip turn / US) in this video, you'll not use it in open water.
3. Gatorade Triathlon Training Series: Open Water Swimming
Just start to watch it from 3min 1 sec. It's useless to watch first 3 min unless you will need to wear a wet suit for the game.
similar sighting technique as 2. As to frequency of sight, you really need to make your own call when you are at the game. The water is rather choppy, then you will need to sight oftener.
"drafting" is good technique which helps to reduce the drag.
The backstroke turn is the same technique as mentioned as "rolling technique" in Video 2.
4. Gatorade Triathlon Training Series: Top Tips for Maximising your Triathlon Performance
General ideas about how to prepare a triathlon game. Not really important, but good to know.
If such head-up-crawl like sighting is difficult for you to acquire, then change to breaststroke for sighting can be considered, too. If you decide to use this method, then you also need to practice it before the game. Otherwise you will have plenty of pause or hesitation during switch one style to another.
That's ALL for the tips about swimming for your preparation of triathlon game.
You may read the previous lessons below. I often modified or correct the errors in previous lesson when I sent a new one. So, there should be less errors in this email and the emails cited below.
Best wish and good luck!
上一篇:[技巧] 如何涉水渡溪