2013-09-03 04:21:26Momo~

The Ship Show

Chuan-Jui Hung  – The Chinese Emperor’s Cruise Ship vs. Roman Warship

Young boys today might grow up with LEGO but Master Hung

 grew up wanting to be a ship builder, a wooden-ship builder.

Amongst his hobbies, he loves to study the old and tall ships

 in the world and always have strong desire to build them.

He did.

One of his creations is a river cruise ship for Chinese Emperor Yang of Sui.

 The ship fictitiously depicts the luxurious and extravagant lifestyle

 of the Emperor Yang of Sui.


Siar Man Mi Sar Ko – The Big Boat

Big boat culture of the Yami people has been around for 2,000 years.

 Influenced by myths, rituals, habits, social transformation,

politics, economy, education and introduction of foreign religions,

 the big boat culture of Yami is the best paradoxical snapshot for the

development of mankind –

 a love/hate relationship between the Civilized and the Indigenous

 and a familiar struggle for two countries

on the both ends of Pacific Ocean.



 The Ship Show ~Pacific Centre

2013 09 01 HSBC in downtown Vancouver

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vsouth44 2013-09-03 19:20:14


我想一定很貴 2013-09-23 10:54:19