Green Basil Thai Restaurant
Knowing how busy this restaurant could be, we went just a tad after noon.
It was a good decision because by noon, the place was completely packed.
I think what really drew people to this new restaurant is their
advertised Mon-Fri $7.95 lunch special.
Green Basil Thai Restaurant
Green Basil Thai Restaurant
Green Basil Thai Restaurant
Green Basil Thai Restaurant
luncg special! It's very good deal!
Green Basil Thai Restaurant
you can order party trays too!
Coconut Prawn $11.5 with rice+soup and one sprig roll..
Green Curry Chicken$7.5
BBQ chicken~
Green Basil Thai Restaurant
4623 Kingsway
Burnaby BC V5H 2B3
tel: 604.439.1919
fax: 604.439.9719
more info at their website:
2012 11 01