2012-03-11 15:14:58Momo~

The ART of being TOGETHER義賣會

 Proceeds go to L'Arche Great Vancouver ,an oranization dedicated to

 providing homes and day programs for adults with developmental disabilites.

The ART of being TOGETHER

Silent bid ~The ART of being TOGETHER

這些物品都是民眾捐出來競標  最高的人得標

所有的款項都做公益 幫助殘障與低收入戶~


The ART of being TOGETHER


The ART of being TOGETHER~Silent Auction

The ART of being TOGETHER~Silent Auction


The ART of being TOGETHER~Silent Auction

因有事來晚的 有幅很喜愛的畫作已經被買走 真可惜 ~

Dear Mei and I~The ART of being TOGETHER

Mei,I and Julie ~Julie is a great oil painter and doctor in Vancouver~

The ART of being TOGETHER

Dress for fun~The ART of being TOGETHER


Having fun for dressing up ~

Enjoy the music and food too~ 

Presented by L'Arche Greater Vancouver. A celebration of Art. A celebration of Humanity.

I love this painting the most~

This painting is the winner~

 The ART of being TOGETHER

Free coffee and dessert~

 The ART of being TOGETHER

Help creat a piece of community art


Presented by L'Arche Greater Vancouver. A celebration of Art. A celebration of Humanity.


More info at


右為創作畫家 左為收藏者 ~


左為畫家 右為收藏者

我最喜歡的畫作 左為畫家 右為收藏者~臨別時我還特地向他致意 ~




這幅在現場集體做的畫 在活動最後也賣出~讓我們很有參與感~

做好事 獻愛心 又有心儀的寶物~真是有意義的活動!


得標者的 告示~流標的很少~


The art of being together.義賣會 ~



我標到的義賣品 孔雀別針~


 National Nikkei Museum&Heritage Centre

2012 03 10