2011-12-01 11:04:44Momo~

Have You Ever Lost A Pet?




另一則是撿到別人失去的寵物 而登報尋求寵物主人

這讓我有點驚訝 ~ 登報者要自己花錢幫走失的寵物找到主人




Bobo and I~

I love my Bobo so much and there are those very special

 relationships that are unique and real between us and our pets.

I have heard that animals really make a difference when people

 are ill and it helps them get through their illness.

I know they are great comfort for people because

they sense that you are going through pain and probably

feel helpless and want to give you love the only way they know how.


Have You Ever Lost A Pet?

 It's very very sad to lose a pet. Time will help, but not all that much.


2011 11 30 Vancouver  

vsouth44 2011-12-02 06:35:03
