2011-09-15 07:05:06Momo~

Digital Orca Sculpture and much more~


Digital Orca ~ 

This was already my new favourite sculpture in Vancouver and then I learned that the artist is local chronicler Douglas Coupland, author of Generation X, Microserfs, City of Glass and on and on.

That makes it just about a perfect emblem of this city.

Also represents the recent spate of marine wildlife around Vancouver: a grey whale in False Creek and Howe Sound and a dolphin pod numbering 150 to 200 in Howe Sound.

Digital Orca  Sculpture~ 

more photos at~



Digital Orca  Sculpture~ by local chronicler Douglas Coupland~

Digital Orca  Sculpture~ 

living roof~

The Olympic cauldron~

The Vancouver Convention Centre's design team discusses the sustainable measures that have been implemented into the planning and execution of this facility.

By connecting the interior design with the spectacular natural landscape of British Columbia, the Vancouver Convention Centre is one of the greenest convention centres in the world. It boasts a living roof, seawater heating and cooling, on-site water treatment, and fish habitat built into the foundation of the West Building. The space has been awarded the GO GREEN certificate from the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) for industry-approved, environmental best practices in building management.

info from~


The Olympic cauldron is a powerful symbol and the desire to get as close to it as possible has been remarkable — more than we expected.

Vancouver is a city of Love ~



Vancouver is a heaven for chirlden~

stunning city sights.30mins for $100  

rest area.

on the roof~

wanna get a tane?

Living Roof: Vancouver Convention Centre - BC, Canada

more info check at~


The drop~more info at~ 



The drop~


2011 09/10 and 9/11

Canada place ,Vancouver~

上一篇:Mexico Fest 2011
