2011-02-28 13:53:21Momo~

2010 Taipei international Flower Expotion



Flower Expo 2011

2010. The International Flora Exposition will last 171 days until April 25th 2011 and is expecting 800 million visits.

I have two VIP tickets~ 


Concentrating on the theme of symbiosis between man and nature with the three “R”s, recycle, reuse, and reduce and sustainability with everything being “Green” from buildings, transportation, to energy, the Flower Festival covers 91.8 hectares of land while exhibiting 30 million types of flowers. Operation hours for the Expo begins at 9:00am to 10:00pm.


The Taipei Flora Expo tickets info can be found on the official website, but it varies from a NT$300 General admission price, 3-Day Pass, Season Pass, Group Tickets, Discounted Admission, Afternoon and Evening Tickets, to Free admission for kids and people with special privileges. Tickets to the Flower Expo can be purchased online .


Arguments, politics, and controversies aside, the Taipei International Flora Exposition is a great chance for Taiwan to display the country in a promising light. Although I am a little skeptical to who will travel to Taiwan just to see flowers, I could be wrong. Taiwan definitely needs something positive to showcase on the world’s stage instead of clips of politicians fighting, natural disasters, nasty street food, and shabbily made merchandise.


Having attended the China Expo last year, I hope to see more International visitors at the Flower Expo in Taiwan. Maybe it’s just me, but the ratio of local Chinese visitors compared to foreigners was lopsided and in order to improve tourism, the economy, and notoriety of the country, Taiwan needs travelers. Wouldn’t an Expo be ineffective if it is setup only to satisfy the 23million Taiwanese?



2010 Taipei international Flower Expotion

2011.02.26 Taipei