2010-10-25 14:07:59Momo~
The old hastings Mill Store Museum.
Of Vancouver's first sawmill only the store and post office survived the 1886 fire and the later rapid development of the city. Built in 1865 the Old Hastings Mill Store is today a museum housing items from pioneering days and the period of Indian settlement.
The Old Hastings Mill Store building is thought to be one of the oldest, if not the oldest, in Vancouver. The little white building with red doors and shutters is worth a look for visitors who are in the area.
by Momo
The old Hastings Mill Store and Post Office (circa 1865), is thought tobe the oldest building in Vancouver, and was one of the few buildingsto survive the great fire of 1886 that swept through what wasVancouver. In 1930 the store was moved from Burrard Inlet to itspresent site at Alma and Point Grey Road.
Vancouver's oldest building.
Vancouver's oldest building.
Vancouver's oldest building.
1st sotore and post offie.cool.
The chair for bride..
The 1865 Hastings Mill Store Museum, Vancouver's oldest building, could be endangered through long-term neglect.
Sole existing survivor of the Great Fire of 1886, the building was once the company store for Hastings Mill — located on Burrard Inlet at the foot of Dunlevy Street. In 1930, the store was moved by the Native Daughters of BC to its present location in Pioneer Park at the north foot of Alma Street. Owned by the Native Daughters but located in a City-owned park, this historic site suffers from low public profile and meager funding which, over the long term could have negative consequences for maintenance and heritage conservation standards despite the best efforts of the Daughters.
To preserve this site for future generations, the City could play a much more active role in its stewardship and maintenance.
On the topic of stewardship, we are glad to see that the City is finally doing some remedial work on historic Roedde House Museum after years of refusing to honour its commitment to maintaining Vancouver's only house museum. The City's neglect was starting to cause serious damage to this historic building.
However, funding MUST now be secured immediately for the retention and restoration of the City Hall Windows. The main City Hall building, completed in 1936 in the Art Deco style, still has most of its original wood sash, double-hung windows. The windows employ an unusual system that allows both panes to pivot horizontally in addition to moving vertically. Although the windows are an integral part of the building's heritage value, the City has at various times considered replacing them and has not funded the urgently needed maintenance and rehabilitation.
The City needs to live up to its own heritage standards and fund the required work before it’s too late.
August 1932; New location on Alma Street after being moved from the foot od Dunlevy Ave; Photo courtesy the Vancouver Public Library January 2006; Hastings Mill Museum, Alma Street; Heritage Vancouver photo
Queen of Victoria~
info from ~
The old hastings Mill Store Museum
Details: 1575 Alma Road (at Point Grey Road). 604-734-1212.
Hours: June 15 to September 15: Tuesday - Sunday 11 am - 4 pm; September 16 to June 14: Saturday and Sunday only, 1 pm - 4 pm.
Admission by donation.
Gift shop
2010.10.24 Vanouver.