Kitsilano Beach~
Kitsilano Beach
If Vancouver is "Hollywood North," then Vancouver's Kitsilano Beach - or "Kits Beach" to the locals - is our Venice Beach. Buff and bronzed bodies are sure to make their rounds, but don't be wary, you're sure to fit in somewhere amidst the mix of joggers, stroller-pushing families, sun-worshippers and your everyday loungers. Grassy patches above the tide line are perfect for tossing the disc, the tennis courts are always popular, and the beach attracts volleyball players from all over the city. And don't forget Kits Pool where kids and adults can splash away the day in an outdoor, heated salt-water pool with a wrap-around view of the city, ocean and mountains. It's almost three times the size of an Olympic pool.
This area was originally known as Greer's Beach, named for the pioneer who unsuccessfully challenged the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) take over of his homestead here in the 1890s. Later, private citizens raised the money to purchase the beach front land back from the CPR while the Park Board leased additional lots to create this popular park.
North End of Yew Street
Definitely a happening place geared for the younger set (teens to thirties) with a lovely outlook spanning from open bay, to North Shore mountains to Stanley Park.
There are lots of activities here with something for everyone.
Enjoy the beautiful sunset.
•On the Seaside Seawall system
•The Boathouse Waterfront Restaurant
•Oceanside heated outdoor pool
•Tennis Courts
•Basketball Courts
•Lifeguarded Victoria Day (late May) to Labour Day (early September)
•Swimming raft
•Pay Parking
Kits Beach was originally known as Greer's Beach, named for Sam Greer, one of the first non-native settlers in the area. In 1882, Greer built his homestead on the site where the Watermark restaurant now sits, and challenged the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) for rights to the land. Unfortunately for Greer, the CPR won that battle and took the land in the 1890’s.
Kitsilano Beach, as it is today, owes its existence to private citizens, who raised the money to purchase the land from the CPR, and to the Vancouver Park Board, who leased additional lots to create the extended park.
Kits Beach is the easternmost beach in the chain that curls around Vancouver’s western coast. Southwest of Kits—traveling along the coast toward the University Endowment Lands and UBC--are Jericho Beach, Locarno Beach, Spainish Banks Beach, and Wreck Beach.
Kitsilano Beach ,UBC,Vancouver.
Getting to Kitsilano Beach.
If you're driving, the major parking lots for Kits Beach are located off Cornwall Avenue, between Yew St. and Arbutus; this area also functions as a "main entrance" to the beach. The beach's pay parking lots are $2 per hour or $7 all day.
To take a bus, use Translink to plan a trip. Or, if you live Downtown, you can take a False Creek Ferry to Vanier Park/Vancouver Maritime Museum, walking-distance to Kits Beach.
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