2009-12-18 15:46:13Momo~






開車不喝酒 點了蔓越莓果汁

溫哥華地標 Canada place  也冠上五彩顏色

4度的海風吹來 可是冷颼颼的~


船上的燈光氣氛都佳 只是放的聖誕歌曲聽得膩了~


大夥飯後接唱聖誕歌曲 我倒希望船家放抒情歌曲代替

熱鬧地很吵 跑到船外吹風去


友人喝醉 了!!哈~


2010冬季奧運的標誌 在夜裡更顯突出~







From February 12 to February 28, 2010, Vancouver will host the Olympic Winter Games; from March 12-21, the Paralympics will be held there. The Olympic and Paralympic venues will be in Vancouver and Whistler  B.C.


 出海夜遊  船上之晚餐篇 ~


2009.12.15 Vancouver ,BC Canada

George 2009-12-20 12:42:06

Hi Momo,

It is my privilege to see you have a wonderful and blessed Merry Christmas.

Kirk 2009-12-19 02:24:13

Looks like fun party.