2009-12-02 14:00:28Momo~

The World's Largest Tin Soldier~

The World's Largest Tin Soldier~

The World's largest Tin Soldier... at the Wesrminster Quay.

 The Tin Soldier concept was proposed by
current New Westminster Mayor Wayne
Wright, modeled on soldiers of the Royal
Engineers who founded New
Westminster 139 years ago (since 2003).

The giant Tin Soldier was jointly
designed by the Sheet Metal Workers
International Association Local Union 280
and BC Sheet Metal Association
(SMACNA-BC), and built by the Austin
Metal Fabricators in Burnaby, BC.


After construction, the monumental Tin
soldier was unveiled on November 29, 2000
at the Royal Westminster Regiment Armoury
in New Westminster, BC, as part of a nine-
day Festival of Trees charity event for the
Simon Fraser Society for Community Living


A year later, the Tin Soldier was moved to its permanent home at
the New Westminster Quay Public Market down on the
waterfront. Dedication ceremonies were held February 14
Valentines Day 2001 including the placement of a Time Capsule
that will be opened in the year 2025.

Height: 32 feet (9.8 meters)
Weight: 5 tons
Construction: stainless steel
Construction period: 500 man-hours
Contains a Time Capsule to be opened in 2025.
Location: Westminster Quay Public Market

New Westminster was not about to be left aside in the pursuit of roadside attractions that seemed to grip BC in the late 20th century. In the autumn of 2000, the Simon Fraser Society for Community Living, a support organization for disabled children, came up with the idea to raise awareness of child disabilities and build community spirit. Sheet Metal Workers and their employers were asked to help build the world’s tallest tin soldier as part of a Christmas celebration hosted by the SFSCL.

In 2002 the tin soldier received the official designation from the Guinness Book of Records confirming it as the world’s largest at 3 stories high.

The tin soldier now stands permanent guard at the entrance to the New Westminster Quay Public Market.

 Columbia street can be pretty interesting.

It is New Westminster's main downtown street and you can find a number of cafes, pubs, and small shops.

Wedding service shops on Columbia are all over the place and so are many second hand shops.

The street has undergone a revival as of late. However,

be warned. Drug deals are still commonplace around the New Westminster Skytrain station.

Fraser River

New Westminster was founded on a lofty hill where two branches of the Fraser River meet. The site was chosen as much for the strategic value of its natural defenses as for the commercial potential of the area. In 1859, New Westminster was the mainland berth for the fleet of sternwheelers that plied the waters between Victoria and Yale, the starting point of the Cariboo Wagon Road. Take a walk along the river and watch the working and pleasure vessels still operating. On average, more than 36 million tonnes of cargo were shipped through Fraser River Port in 2003. This volume has made Fraser River Port the second largest in Canada, generating $2.1 billion in local economic output and 12,400 direct jobs. Take a tour with the Fraser River Discovery Centre near Westminster Quay to learn more about this great river.


Picture by Momo

2009.12.01  New Westminster Quay Public Market