2009-08-19 23:16:21Momo~

The Hill Health Ranch~ 108 Mile Ranch

The Hill Health Ranch~
五星級的spa享受 許多知名明星都來此度假

小木屋的住宿與面向山景的陽台 都提供了最好的享受 另外還有供多人住宿的整棟小木屋




  由房間俯瞰 馬兒自由自在的吃草

預約了身體按摩 好好放鬆一下旅途的疲累



芳香身體按摩與音樂 確實讓人很滿意



spa 一隅


遇到兩位也來自溫哥華的高級主管 她們來參加減重班





在森林中騎馬的感覺很棒!  出發前要先吃草 喝水

The Hill Health Ranch~ 

我的馬是隻不安分青少年 行走途中還不時咬前方母馬的屁股 共五次

偶爾牠也會回頭侵犯後方的公馬 嚇的我不知如何是好

最後教練將牠拉到他的馬後方 以竹枝訓誡 牠才乖乖載我走完全程



我的營養早餐 菜單上還註明卡路里

高貴不貴~ 黑頭髮的我成了異類~~

在沒有事先預約訂房下 我們仍受到高品質的服務 升級到高級房 且每晚只要$99 加稅.

白酒加雞肉 螃蟹與鮭魚 少許馬鈴薯跟青菜 晚餐就這樣浪漫地度過~

買了些保養乳液與精油 特製茶等回家~延續芳香


Traveling by car from Vancouver, follow the TransCanada Highway #1 East to Hope, follow Highway # 1 through Hope, along the Fraser Canyon to Cache Creek. From Cache Creek, take Highway #97 North. Follow #97 through Clinton and 100 Mile House. The Hills is located off the right side of the highway 8 (13 km) Miles North of 100 Mile House.

The Hills Health Ranch
PO Box 26, 108 Mile Ranch, BC Canada, V0K 2Z0
Ph: 1-800-668-2233 or 1-250-791-5225 Fax 1-250-791-6384




2009.08.10 The Hill Health Ranch~ 108 mile house


行程Vancouver ~ Nanaimo ~ Port Hardy ~Prince Rupert~Terrace~ New Hazelton~ Smithers-Houston ~Burns Lake~Takysie Lake~Prince Geroge~Quesnel~Willams Lake ~108 miles house 共計將近3000公里

The Northwest  BC
John 2009-09-05 16:53:37

Hi, Momo,
Thanks for sharing your beautiful and memorable photos of your Canadian trip. I have viewed them as a slide show and enjoy them very very much. I have also printed out the one you stood on the edge of a bridge with stream flowing down below. You were in a red T-shirt and light blue gean with a bright smile.
I am sure all of you have enjoy the fresh air and the nature scenery up there!

Uncle 2009-08-24 00:06:59
