2009-06-30 13:14:42Momo~

Sunshine Coast~世界最快的急流


揮別Gibsons小鎮 再前往Sechelt 一路 往北開



受一位好友的影響 我很喜歡研究地圖 每每到過ㄧ個地方 就有種"征服"的快感 





預計抵達Ruby Lake 小木屋第二天早上出發 

下午12:26的最佳時間一定得趕上 早上無法睡到自然醒

就備園方養的公雞叫醒了 真是幸福歐!! 

酷似大蜘蛛的植物 我們倆冒著小與 步行了一個多小時才到達觀潮點

由於是非假日 整個森林就只有我跟女兒

在回程才遇到兩位歐洲夫妻 這種寧靜與自然的洗禮 讓人很放鬆!

沿途我唱著早期的歌曲給女兒聽 手搭著手 好快樂呢!


大樹根的底座 自然的原始供給人類的需求



Skookumchuck Narrows 印地安語代表〞強勁水流〞之意

在漲退潮之 間 其落差可達三公尺高


最佳的觀潮時間 是在漲潮時刻

 每年十二月至六月之間 其漲潮所帶出的海漩

可以大到 十八公尺直徑 三公尺高

無論是觀賞漲潮 或是等待退 潮後走到海灘

看退潮所留下海底生物,都是非常好的活 動




One of the most spectacular features of the British Columbia coast occurs at Skookumchuck Provincial Marine Park. “Skookumchuck” is an old Native name meaning “strong waters.”

LENGTH/TIME: 4km/1 hour (each way)

HIGHLIGHTs: Tide water is forced through the narrows and forms the Sechelt Rapids. The difference in water levels between one side of the rapids and the other sometimes exceeds 2 meters in height. Current speeds can exceed 30 km/hr. The rapids are famous for their spectacular whirlpools and whitewater.

ACCESS: To reach the park, drive northwest on Highway 101 past Sechelt and Madeira Park until you reach the Egmont turn-off. This turn-off is one kilometer before Earl’s Cove Ferry Terminal. Drive along the Egmont Road until you reach a roadside parking lot sign marked “Skookumchuck Narrows Provincial Park” (approximately one hour of easy driving from Sechelt).

To reach the rapids, you walk on a 4km trail past Brown Lake and through a lush coastal forest. The trail is a well-developed bark mulch trail. There is a minimal elevation change and hiking time will be about one hour for most groups (easy walking).

There are directional signs and public bathrooms (dry toilets). There are three viewing points to enjoy the rapids – perfect spots for picnics.

To view an ebb tide proceed to the North Point viewing area; to view a flood tide proceed to the Roland point viewing area.

For those who have agility or mobility difficulties, please be aware that the Roland Point route has many exposed roots and portions of the trail may pose a challenge. Roland Point also has views of sea life such as starfish, sea anemone etc. The North Point route is a direct route and is shorter than the Roland Point route.

Open fires are prohibited. Overnight camping is prohibited. When using these waters, know the tides and cross the narrows at high or low slack tide.

Please come to the Sechelt Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Information Centre for additional information, maps, and best viewing times.

We are located in Trail Bay Centre in Sechelt. Our telephone numbers are (604) 885-0662, 1-877-663-2963. Our email address is visitorinfo@dccnet.com, our website is www.secheltchamber.bc.ca

在Halfmoon Bay 的附近 有種類似蒙古包的住宿區 只懷疑那密不透風的設備

 島上有千多位的藝術家 只是臨時造訪 有些都不得其門而入

悠靜的小島 明媚的風光 難怪吸引為數眾多的藝術家以此為家



整個博物館就只有服務人員 我 跟女兒三人




做工細緻的古董鋼琴 手工的雕花非常典雅  


當地的小學門外 的圖騰柱 原住民的代表作

博物館內早期製衣的簡圖 復古的味道十足!


2009.06.23&24 Sunshine Coast ,BC,Canada


Uncle 2009-07-01 10:35:59
