2009-06-27 15:58:03Momo~

Finn Slough in Richmond~


走過一條危橋 像是遇見桃花源般的另一景緻

 來自河南的同學 Helen.勤學 用功 她的兩個兒子 超級可愛又貼心 



Finn Slough in Richmond~

Finn Slough was established in the 1880's by Finnish immigrant fishers. Today it is the last working commercial fishing village on the Fraser River with approximately 50 people working and living there.


逛進花圃 就不想出來了!

At the south end of Richmond lies a small tidal slough called Finn Slough, named after the Finnish Fishermen that settled there 100 years ago. It's pretty much the same today. It's funny- a poster on the dpreview forum from Northern Arkansas hated the photos, saying I didn't have much to work with and there was too much clutter.

I think a tidal slough to him was like looking at the surface of Mars.
I see the clutter and ramshackleness of the settlement as a story unto itself. 
 There's a marvelous story of endurance and survival, and despite what this person said, I see the beauty in that.

可能將會被溫哥華市政府拆除的違法建築 但如此一來 後代將無法見證歷史~

隨處可見美麗的花朵 自然的植物是不會挑選主人的身分地位的


The homes stand on stilts and floats and some are the original scow houses built by the Finns. The place has a unique feel and a picturesque quality that draws artists and photographers. Time seems to stand still here.Unfortunately the future of this historic site is uncertain as developers have their eyes set on the land...


中午在漁人碼頭邊的西餐廳用餐 犒賞一下這學期的努力用功~


2009.06,12 Richmond,BC,Canada



下一篇:Sunshine Coast ~Gibsons