來自各地的多款重型機車齊聚ㄧ堂 準備為籌措抗癌基金而遊行
Get your motors running to fight prostate cancer
DURHAM -- About 18,000 Canadian men learn they have prostate cancereach year, and about 4,300 will die of the disease.
That's why the Motorcycle Ride for Dad is held annually. The event thisyear is set for Saturday, June 13, with the aim of raising funds andawareness.
Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in Canadian men.
Gary Andress, the public relations co-ordinator for the Durham Regionride, said organizers are hoping to have 350 participants this year, aincrease over last year's 300 riders.
The first Motorcycle Ridefor Dad in Canada was held in 2000 and it has since grown to more than20 being held across the country, including the Durham event. This isthe fourth year Mr. Andress has been involved with the ride. He'sserving in a variety of positions, including ride captain, sponsorshipand public relations.
"I went on a ride and took it from there. It had the potential to be bigger than it was," Mr. Andress said.
"I'm in a position, I haven't had anybody who passed away from prostatecancer. There's cancer in my family. Cancer is a rude, ignorantdisease," Mr. Andress stated.
The goal is to surpass the $78,000 raised last year, he noted.
"There's really no goal. Like every charity, we want to top what we didthe year before," he said. "All the proceeds go to Lakeridge (Health),for prostate care, research and treatment."
The day starts at Durham Powerhouse, the new Honda dealership on Victoria Street in Whitby.
"They've agreed to be our sponsor."
They'll leave from the dealership at 9:30 a.m., take part in a paradethrough Oshawa, followed by a ride through back roads to Poplar Park inPort Perry. There, the riders will lunch before heading back to DurhamPowerhouse.
Mr. Andress estimated the ride could take three hours.
PS:This Information from www.motorcycleridefordad.org.
每年都舉辦的重型機車遊行 許多酷斃了的機車與穿著皮衣的男女騎士
一字排開 陣仗浩大 比酷比炫齊作公益 !!
大家互相觀摩 還有現場販賣車輛打廣告的呢!
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2009.05.24 Victoria,BC,Canada
可惜我不會騎重機 XD