2007-05-15 12:59:22Momo~

Tell me why?

Tell me why
In my dream,children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue and fields are green
And laughter is the language of the world
Then i wake and all I see
Is a world full of people in need
Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?
Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?
Tell me why (why) cos i don’t understand
When so many need somebody
We don’t give a helping hand Tell me why?
Everyday i ask myself
What will i have to do to be a man?
Do I have to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who I am?
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war?
Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?
Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?
Tell me why (why) cos i don’t understand
When so many need somebody
We don’t give a helping hand Tell me why?
(tell me why?) tell me why?
(tell me why?) tell me why?
just tell me why, why, why?
Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?
Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?
Tell me why (why) cos i don’t understand
When so many need somebody
We don’t give a helping hand Tell me why?
Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)
Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(why,why do we say we care)
Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)
Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)
Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?
(why,why if we’re all the same)
Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)
Tell me why (why,why does it never end)
Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?

listen it now.


Declan Galbraith interview about himself

Tell Me Why
英國最暢銷的10歲天使的聲音《Tell Me Why》
Declan Galbraith是居住在英國肯特郡的愛爾蘭男孩。在許多方面他是一個正常的 10 歲男孩。他喜歡電腦遊戲,游泳和足球。他和他的父母和六歲姊妹居住。他的堂兄弟姊妹Joe是他最好的朋友。但是 Declan 不只是一個普通的10歲男孩。Declan Galbraith小的時候,是和他的祖父班度過。
Declan 與他的祖父樂團搭配並學習演唱。在他的祖父死之後,他繼承了祖父的演唱事業。
目前Declan Galbraith已是英國最暢銷的童聲歌手之一。他的歌聲清澈迷人,高音清亮,極富感染力。如果天使會唱歌,那個天使一定是—Declan Galbraith。

Declan Galbraith,來自英國Kent郡的愛爾蘭小童星,很可愛的小男孩。除了天使般的聲音,Declan小小年紀,已經表現星探們熱衷的所謂“明星氣質”--一頭鬆軟的深色頭髮,濃密的睫毛,明亮清澈的藍眼睛,充滿童真頗富感染力的笑容,還有滿滿的自信。更重要的是,他從不怯場,每次上臺都異常興奮;應該說,也有過一次緊張,那是在聖保羅大教堂女王特赦的演出上。為Robbie Williams和Phil Collins製作MTV的John Carver十分有信心的說,“Declan註定要成為一個超級巨星的,不僅是因為他超群的聲音,更重要的是他極好的個性,他非常聰明。”

除了他的音樂天賦,以及身後的百萬合同,Declan和其他小男孩沒有什麼分別。喜歡足球,電腦遊戲和游泳,房間裏貼滿海報,足球,Robbie Williams,Westlife,還有哈裏波特。他也曾為簽名不夠快而苦惱,直到聽從父親的建議,用“Dec”簽名才算解決;他也會在採訪中忍不住想要從凳子上逃走,當然會事先禮貌的問“我可以很快去踢球嗎?”他喜歡的歌手包括Carole King,The Fureys,Christy Moore, Led Zeppelin,Robbie Williams 和Westlife。
台灣 JLO 2007-05-22 21:45:21




空(舞情) 2007-05-22 02:39:35

嗯 謝謝
聽過後 還滿喜歡的

任我行 2007-05-19 09:12:03


想必小行也是個感性的女人! 2007-05-20 13:11:57